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Item # EX 36-18, 18 Inch (in) Inlet (I) and 20 Inch (in) Outlet (O) Exhaust Head

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Clean and Quiet Release of Steam, Air, & other Gases Vented to Atmosphere.

Entrained water, oil and dirt in exhaust steam, air or gas vented to atmosphere can cause damage, unsightly icing and dirt accumulation on roofs, buildings and surroundings. A Penn Cyclone Exhaust Head placed on the end of the vent line creates a cyclone spinning action that separates entrainment and directs it to a drain. The large diameter outlet and internal baffles help minimize exhaust noise while protecting the line from the entry of rain and snow.

Specifications  · Features  · Note




  • Cyclonic Action - Spins out entrained water, oil and dirt.
  • Reduce Noise - Large exhaust opening minimizes noise.
  • Protects Lines - "Spiral Baffle" covers and protects vent line.

To size an Exhaust Head use your vent line size to determine the inlet "I" size. Check the RATED CAPACITY to the actual maximum flow rate. Select a larger size for higher capacities as required.


Brochure for Exhaust Heads
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Schematic Diagram of Penn Products
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